
Creating a cPanel

Way to create a Cpanel
  1. Login to the WHM.
    WHM login
  2. Click Account Functions.
    Account Functions icon
  3. Click the icon Create a New Account.
    Create a New Account icon
  4. Under Domain Information enter the domain, username, password (twice) and the contact email address. 

Istoria Domain .TL

Country code Top Level Domain (sigla ccTLD) nudar estensaun (extension) ka letra hirak nebe kolokadu iha domain name nia kotuk.
Domain Name nee rasik nudar naran uniku iha mundu internet ho nian estensaun (letra iha kotuk) hodi reprezenta karater instituisaun dalaruma refleta mos paiz nia orijin.
Estensaun domain popular sira iha mundu internet mak hanesan .com ba komersial/kompania .net ba kompania IT & telekomunikasaun .org ba organizasaun no seluk tan. hanesan izemplu balun ba domain ho nian estensaun.
Ba Timor-Leste mak .tl (DOT TL) tuir rekezitu ISO 3166-1 Standart, nudar identidade Timor-Leste nian iha mundu internet. Estensaun domain ida ne'e mosu hafoin TL restaura nia independensia iha 20 Maiu 2002.
Iha periodu resistensia liu husi komponente resistensia no ativista soliedaridade internasional balun konsege hamosu estensaun domain .tp (dot tp) nudar akronimu ba Timor Portguese iha fulan Dezembru 1997, liu husi operador internet nebe ho nia baze iha Dublin, Irlandia, konteudu husi website sira ho domain .tp kuaze hotu-hotu ho materia publikasaun resistensia nian.
Liu tiha 20 Maiu 2002, TL nudar nasaun independente nebe hetan ona rekuinesimentu internasional, ho nune'e IANA (International Asign Number Authority) fo tan .tl ba TL, maibe ho estatu latutela ba ema ruma tamba estatutu .tp sei existe hela no tutela ba lider timorense Xanana Gusmao nudar kontaktu administrativu. Departamento IT hosi TL nian hato'o pedidu ba IANA iha loron 30 Augustu 2005 hodi halo alterasaun ba domain .tp hodi muda ba .tl.

Changing Name Servers of a Domain Name

  • To Modify Name Servers of your Domain Name
  •  STEP 1Log in to your control panel. Learn how
  •  STEP 2Navigate to the Order View.
  •  STEP 3Update the Name Servers.

In order to host a website on your domain name, you will need to obtain the Name Servers from the
Web Hosting company with whom you wish to host your website and point your domain name to these
Name Servers.

To Modify Name Servers of your Domain Name

Contact your Web Hosting Company and find out from them the Name Servers you need to use.
If you have purchased Web Hosting for your domain name through LikisaHost, then you need to set the 
Name Servers as specified by LikisaHost.
STEP 1:Log in to your control panel. Learn how
STEP 2:Navigate to the Order View.
Search the domain name for which you want to change the name servers and select the domain
 to view the order information.
If the domain name is Locked/Suspended by LikisaHost, you will have to first unlock/unsuspend 
it before proceeding further.

Configure DNS Settings For Your Domain

In order to start using email services on your Domain, it is essential that the correct Mail Exchange (MX) records are added to your DNS settings. These MX records must be created on the authoritative Name Servers of your Domain. If you do not have the necessary access privileges to create these records, you must ask your DNS manager to do so for you.
Usually, the Registrar with whom your domain name is registered, or the company that hosts your website should be able to do this for you.
For the complete list of all the required DNS records (including MX records), refer Mail >> DNS Configuration in your email hosting control panel (Dashboard).
Once these MX records have been added