
Installation of a graphical user interface for Your VPS Linux

All Linux-Server operating systems are installed by default without a graphical user interface (GUI). A GUI on a dedicated server can only be accessed if a KVM is connected.
This tutorial will guide you through an easy installation process of the two most common GUIs for Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS.
Please note that you will always have to create an additional user for your GUI login, since a login as root is not possible.
In order to access your GUI, you need to use your VPS VNC connection, or access your dedicated server via KVM. KVM access has to be ordered additionally for our dedicated servers, it is not included by default.
Also please be informed that VNC is NOT an encrypted connection method. We recommend to use xRDP if you plan on using your sevrer exclusively with a GUI.
Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04
Please connect to your server as root via SSH.
Create a new user for your GUI login and set a password:
useradd -m NewUserName && passwd NewUserName
Now you can install the Ubuntu-Dekstop GUI with the following command (the server will fetch updates, install the GUI, and reboot automatically):
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install ubuntu-desktop -y && init 6

How to force redirect HTTP to HTTPS?

To redirect all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS , you have to create a .htaccess file under public_html directory and put some line of codes within the file.

You can do that easily via cPanel File Manager.
  • First of all Log into your cPanel and search for File Manager under FILES section.

  • File Manager

  • In the File Manager window that opens, click the Settings button at the top right of the page.

LEMP: Debian, NGINX + Certbot, MariaDB, PHP

This tutorial shows you how to prepare your Debian VPS for hosting your website.
We are not going to perform any fine-tuning or optimization on the default configuration files. So neither NGINX, MySQL or PHP (LEMP) will get any other than the necessary configuration changes in order to run a website properly.

1. Install the Software

NGINX, Certbot, PHP installation:
:~# apt install nginx python3-certbot-nginx php-fpm php-mysql zip unzip pwgen
MariaDB can be installed as follows:
:~# apt install mariadb-server
Installing MariaDB by using the default-package repositories might not install the latest version of MariaDB. For the latest MariaDB version visit Official MariaDB Repo and follow the instructions.

Plesk Obsidian: Try many new features for free!

The new Plesk Obsidian is available for quite a while now. Time for us to introduce it and, as the title of the posting suggests, make you aware of our exclusive promotion with Plesk:
You can try Plesk Obsidian one month for free in combination with every VPS and dedicated server at Contabo! Just select your preferred edition during the order process on in the section "Administration panel". Further information is also available on our dedicated Plesk info site.
But what are the new and interesting features of Plesk Obsidian? To be honest, there are quite a lot and it is virtually impossible to list them all in our blog. So we will just concentrate on a few of them, you are of course free to check the Plesk website for more details!