
Installation of a graphical user interface for Your VPS Linux

All Linux-Server operating systems are installed by default without a graphical user interface (GUI). A GUI on a dedicated server can only be accessed if a KVM is connected.
This tutorial will guide you through an easy installation process of the two most common GUIs for Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS.
Please note that you will always have to create an additional user for your GUI login, since a login as root is not possible.
In order to access your GUI, you need to use your VPS VNC connection, or access your dedicated server via KVM. KVM access has to be ordered additionally for our dedicated servers, it is not included by default.
Also please be informed that VNC is NOT an encrypted connection method. We recommend to use xRDP if you plan on using your sevrer exclusively with a GUI.
Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04
Please connect to your server as root via SSH.
Create a new user for your GUI login and set a password:
useradd -m NewUserName && passwd NewUserName
Now you can install the Ubuntu-Dekstop GUI with the following command (the server will fetch updates, install the GUI, and reboot automatically):
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install ubuntu-desktop -y && init 6

Alternatively, the following command installs the Kubuntu-Desktop (the server will fetch updates, install the GUI, and reboot automatically):
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install kubuntu-desktop -y && init 6
You can connect to your VPS via VNC and login to your new GUI, or via KVM if you have a dedicated server.
Ubuntu 18.10 and later versions
Please connect to your server as root via SSH.
Create a new user for your GUI login and set a password:
useradd -m NewUserName && passwd NewUserName
You can choose from a variety of GUIs, which will automatically be installed with the "tasksel" tool:
apt update && apt upgrade -y && tasksel
Choose a desktop of your liking and confirm, please do not install multiple desktop environments at the same time. Reboot your server to make your GUI accessible via your VPS VNC access or KVM in case of a dedicated server.
CentOS 6
Please connect to your server as root via SSH.
Create a new user for your GUI login and set a password:
useradd -m NewUserName && passwd NewUserName
Now you will need to edit your "/etc/inittab" to boot to runlevel 5 so that you will be able to use the GUI after (re)boot:
nano /etc/inittab
Please change the following line:
id:3:initdefault: -> id:5:initdefault:
Save your changes and close the editor by pressing strg+o, enter, strg+x.
The following command will update your server and install the GNOME GUI and required software (the server will be rebooted automatically):
yum update -y && yum -y groupinstall "Desktop" "X Window System" "Fonts" && init 6
Now you can access your GUI via your VPS VNC access or KVM in case of a dedicated server.
In order to install the KDE GUI, please use the following command. Your server will also be updated and rebooted:
yum update -y && yum -y groupinstall "KDE desktop" "X Window System" "Fonts" && init 6
Now you can access your GUI via your VPS VNC access or KVM in case of a dedicated server.
CentOS 7
Please connect to your server as root via SSH.
Create a new user for your GUI login and set a password:
useradd -m NewUserName && passwd NewUserName
Now you can install the KDE GUI with the following command (the server will fetch updates, install the GUI, and reboot automatically):
yum update -y && yum -y groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces" && ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/ && init 6
As alternative the following command for an installation of the GNOME GUI (the server will update and reboot automatically):
yum update -y && yum -y groupinstall "GNOME Desktop" "Graphical Administration Tools" && ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/ && init 6
You can connect to your VPS via VNC or KVM in case of a dedicated server and login to your new GUI.
Debian 8 and later versions
Please connect to your server as root via SSH.
Create a new user for your GUI login and set a password:
useradd -m NewUserName && passwd NewUserName
Now you can install the GNOME GUI with the following command (the server will fetch updates, install the GUI, and reboot automatically):
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install gnome -y && init 6
As an alternative the following command for an installation of the KDE GUI (the server will update and reboot automatically):
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install kde-standard -y && init 6
Now you can connect to your VPS via VNC or KVM in case of a dedicated server and login to your new GUI.


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